Jan Term Travel Registration


Apply. Select. Submit. Depart.

Learn about the 3 stages of Jan Term Travel Registration and their related deadlines outlined on this page, as well as all key requirements you'll need to complete before your departure.
For an overview of how the Travel Registration Lottery works and what you need to do to begin the registration process, watch the short video linked below.


Step #0: Check your passport

International travel requires a passport which must be valid through July 2025. If your passport expires before then, you must renew your passport and expedite the application.

Non-US passport holders are responsible for researching if you need a visa for the country(ies) you are going to and may be subject to additional costs.

Two passports on a world map

1. Pre-registration


Registration priority

Priority for Travel Registration and Travel Scholarship allocation is based foremost on class standing at the time of registration (i.e., total completed credits):

  1. Senior (90 or more completed credits)
  2. Junior (60 or more)
  3. Sophomore (30 or more)
  4. First year (fewer than 30)

Double-check your academic evaluation early and contact the Registrar's Office if you have any questions or missing course credits.

Application icon

Submit by

Sep. 19

Travel Lottery & Scholarship Form

Completing the Jan Term Travel Lottery & Scholarship Form is the first step to beginning the registration process.

You must submit this form in order to enroll in a Travel course. This form closes on Thursday, Sep. 19.

View form →

Travel Lottery Form

This form collects your contact information and courses of interest (required) as well as your Travel Scholarship application (optional).

Submission of this form does not guarantee enrollment in any course but is required for registration. You can submit more than once to update your response.

Travel Scholarship

Qualifying students can receive an award of 75% of the course fee for their enrolled course. 

The deadline to apply is 5:00 PM, Wednesday, Sep. 11.

Scholarship details & eligibility →
Webinar icon
Sep. 3

Travel Scholarship Webinar

Learn more about the Jan Term Travel Scholarship and the eligibility requirements and get all your questions answered about this amazing financial opportunity.

Info session icon

Fall Information Sessions

Come learn about the courses and expectations, ask questions, and get instructor approval for a chance to enroll!

Attending at least 1 Info Session and getting instructor approval are required in order to enroll in a Travel course. 

Locations icon
Sep. 11

12:00-2:00 PM
Dante Quad

JT Travel & Study Abroad Fair

Meet the Travel instructors and learn about all the Travel course offerings for 2025, as well as the Study Abroad opportunities for the coming spring.

Scholarship icon
Sep. 13

5:00 PM

Travel Scholarship recipients announced

If you applied for the Jan Term Travel Scholarship by the September 11 deadline, then today’s the day to learn if you won!

Scholarship details & eligibility →
Deposit icon

Deposit window

You will receive an email confirming all your instructor-approved courses on Monday, Sep. 16, and a reminder to submit your travel deposit between the morning of Wednesday, Sep. 18, and end of day on Thursday, Sep. 19.

Deposit instructions & policies →

Deposits & clearances
Submitting a travel deposit and receiving clearance from both the SMC Business Office and the Student Success Office are required in order to enroll in a Travel course. This will require:
  • Submission of your course deposit
  • A zero balance or being current on your payment plan
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA 
  • Good academic standing

Opt-out option
To opt out of the Travel Registration Lottery, complete the form here before 8:00 AM Monday, Sep. 23. 
Students who opt out will not receive any more communications about the Jan Term Travel registration process for the current cycle and will be ineligible to enroll in any JT Travel courses for this year. 
Students who do not opt out are committed to the Travel Lottery process and will be responsible for any remaining course fees if enrolled. If a student does not ultimately enroll in a travel course, their deposit will be credited to their student account.
Email confirmation icon
Sep. 20

Lottery confirmation email

At 5:00 pm on Friday, all students who submitted the Travel Lottery Form and are eligible to enroll in a Travel course will receive an email containing:

  • Their registration number (see below)
  • Their expected Lottery time slot on Monday (seniors only) or Tuesday (see below)
  • All courses for which they are eligible to enroll (see below)
  • Their course rankings (see below)
  • Instructions for Lottery participation

Registration number

This number represents each student’s spot in the Lottery queue.

To ensure the most equitable registration process, only class standing is used in determining how high a given student's registration number might be; no other academic or administrative factors impact registration order.

Within each class year, each registration number is assigned at random (e.g., seniors: A-001 to A-100, juniors: B-001 to B-100, etc.) using a random-number generator for the most unbiased results.

Lottery time slot

This time is based on a student's registration number, each being drawn in numerical and alphabetical order on the student's Lottery Day.

Lower numbers are drawn first, and higher numbers last (e.g., A-001 comes before A-002, which comes before B-001).

Students are ineligible for any courses for which they have not attended an Information Session and received instructor approval. Students are ineligible to participate in the Lottery entirely if they have not:
  • Submitted the Lottery Entry form
  • Submitted a travel deposit
  • Received institutional clearances

Course rankings
Each student will receive a list of all of their instructor-approved courses, sorted in order of preference based on the rankings indicated on their submitted Travel Lottery Form. 
Course rankings will be used to determine auto-enrollment preferences if the student is absent during their Lottery Day time slot, and can be updated by emailing janterm@noujcf.com before 8:00 AM on Monday, Sep. 23.

2. Lottery Day

Rankings icon
Sep. 23

8:00 AM

Deadline to change course rankings

Each student will receive a list of all of their instructor-approved courses, sorted in order of preference based on the rankings indicated on their submitted Travel Lottery Form. 
Course rankings will be used to determine auto-enrollment preferences if the student is absent during their Lottery Day time slot, and can be updated by emailing janterm@noujcf.com.
Exit icon
Sep. 23

8:00 AM

Deadline to opt out

After submitting the Travel Lottery Form, you can opt out of the Travel Lottery and Registration process at any time before the deadline. Simply fill out the Lottery Opt-out form to stop receiving Jan Term Travel reminders and notifications and to remove your name from the 2025 Lottery. 

Otherwise, after 8:00 AM on Monday, you are committed to participating in the Travel Lottery and are responsible for paying the remaining course fee if enrolled.

Tickets icon
Your class year's Lottery window

Lottery Drawing

In the Lottery confirmation email on Friday, you receive a registration number and a time. 

On your Lottery Day, you and other students in your class year gather in a Zoom room to wait for your registration number to be called. Each registration number will be drawn in numerical and alphabetical order (see "Lottery confirmation email" above for more details), and when your number is drawn, you will enter a Zoom Breakout room to make your selection. 

Lottery Drawing Interface

Layout example
Jan Term Travel lottery interface example

See "Participation" for more details.

Select icon
Your time slot


Once you enter the Zoom Breakout room for course selection, you can choose either to enroll in one of your approved courses with available seats, or to waitlist if the course is full.

You are also able to see the current seats taken, total seats, and waitlist size for each course to help inform your decision (see the interface example pictured above).

By default, you will be either enrolled in the first available course on your list or, if no seats are available for any of your eligible courses, placed on the waitlist of your first-choice course.

PLEASE NOTE: You can either be enrolled in a maximum of one approved course or be placed on the waitlist of no more than one approved course, but you cannot be on a waitlist and a roster at the same time.

Attendance policy

If you are unable to attend the Lottery Drawing when your number is called, you can either:

Appoint a proxy
  • Proxies will choose your course/waitlist selection on your behalf. 
  • Proxies may only select from your list of eligible courses.
  • The decision of the proxy stands, or will stand in for the decision of the student (you). No exceptions.
  • Proxies must identify themselves at the time of registration (full name, email address, and relation to the student). 
  • Students using proxies do not need to notify the Jan Term Office of this decision in advance.
  • While proxies are allowed, they are not recommended.

Preemptively accept the default results of the Lottery, which can be that you are either:

  • Automatically enrolled in your top-ranked course with available seats when your number is called.
  • Automatically waitlisted for your top-ranked course if no seats are available for any of your eligible courses.
Selection icon
Lottery Day conclusion

Waitlist selections

After all registration numbers in your class year have been drawn and all students have made their selections, Travel instructors will have a chance to review their rosters. If their roster is full, an instructor can make waitlist selections as needed for gender-balancing for the purpose of rooming.

All Lottery participants will be notified of their enrollment status subsequently.

Waitlist via class standing

After all students in a class year have had an opportunity to register via the lottery, waitlisted students will have another chance to enroll in a different course in which there is room and for which they have approval, and before the next cohort starts their registration process. 

Waitlisted students for whom this option is relevant will receive an email from the Jan Term Office shortly after live registration for their cohort has concluded with instructions on how to do so. At the end of the day, the Registrar’s Office will officially enroll students in their courses through GaelXpress.

3. Post-registration


Important reminders & requirements

  • Stay in close communication with your instructor about any course-specific requirements or meetings before departure.
  • All health forms and travel paperwork are due by Monday, Nov. 11; book an appointment with your physician early!
  • A valid passport is required for international travel; if you do not have a passport or if your passport expires before August 2025, order one immediately. 
Waitlist icon
Sep. 25 

Waitlist Wednesday

If any courses still have available seats, students on waitlists for other courses will be notified on the Wednesday after the Lottery and may have a chance to release their spot on the waitlist to enroll in one of the open courses (after gaining instructor approval).

Heatlh and Safety icon
October 2-3

3:30-4:30 PM

Mandatory Health & Safety Orientations

Wednesday, Oct. 2 (Zoom)
Thursday, Oct. 3 (In person, Hagerty Lounge)
Once enrolled, all Travel students are required to attend at least 1 Health & Safety Orientation, where we will go over the different protocols and expectations that come with both domestic and international travel. 

Deposit icon
October 9-21

Final payment due

Upon enrollment in a Travel course, each student is responsible for paying the remainder of their course fee to the Business Office between Wednesday, Oct. 9, and Monday, Oct. 21. 

Deposit instructions →
Paperwork icon
Nov. 11

Travel paperwork due

On your course’s Canvas site, you must complete the Travel Registry module, submitting the signed health forms, proof of required immunizations, and the necessary identification for travel. 

This step can take up to 6 weeks or more, so renew/order your passport early and book an appointment with a healthcare provider right away.

Visit the Travel Health page for information about completing your health form and required immunizations by destination.

Final steps...

Once all required paperwork has been submitted and all necessary payments have been processed, all that's left is to coordinate travel plans and scheduling details with the course instructor for January!

With each course flying to a different region around the globe, it's important to be prepared for the many physical and cultural adjustments students will likely face. Luckily, our Travel faculty have extensive knowledge and experience concerning their courses' destinations, so on top of planning ahead and packing the essentials, students should always follow their instructors' recommendations and never be afraid to ask questions when traveling abroad. 


Travel Courses & Info Sessions

Students jumping on a beach in front of a sunset

Learn more about what travel courses are being offered for the coming Jan Term and when their info sessions are being held.

Browse courses

Questions? Contact us

Jan Term Email: janterm@noujcf.com

Jan Term Director: Claire Williams

Email: cmw9@noujcf.com

Jan Term Travel Phone: 925-631-5032

Jan Term Office: South Arcade/Korth Tower Breezeway