Lasallian Heritage Days 2025

Lasallian Heritage Days 2025
Lasallian Heritage Days April 23 – May 4, 2025

We are excited to share with you our calendar of events for this year’s Lasallian Heritage Days: “Transform Today, Inspire Hope for Tomorrow” 

Lasallian Heritage Days Poster

Our Theme | This is the 20th annual campus-wide celebration of our Lasallian Heritage here at Saint Mary’s, and our theme this year - “Transform Today, Inspire Hope for Tomorrow” - highlights the transformational character of Lasallian education, which inspires hope and possibility for individuals, communities, and our world. Today, more than ever, we are called to be part of a transformative education that can rise to meet current challenges. A recent publication from the Brothers of the Christian Schools, entitled Declaration on the Lasallian Educational Mission: Challenges, Convictions, and Hopes (2020), invites us to consider how the foundational principles of the Lasallian mission can animate our work today. Selections from this text have been used all year in our Soup & Substance monthly gatherings, inspiring rich discussions. 

About Lasallian Heritage Days | Lasallian Heritage Days honors Saint John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (often called “De La Salle Christian Brothers”) and celebrates the work of the many Christian Brothers and Partners who respond to signs of the times to meet educational needs in 80 countries around the world. We are all part of this 300+ year mission. More information on the De La Salle Christian Brothers and other Lasallian universities worldwide can be found on these sites:

Brothers of the Christian Schools -

International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) -

Calendar of events | There are many special events taking place between April 23–May 4. We are  grateful for the many students, faculty, and staff who are hosting and collaborating on events this year. 

We will be updating this page with event details, so watch for email announcements and check back as we approach April 23. If you are hosting an event you think would fit well with our theme specifically, or our Lasallian heritage generally, please reach out to Carrie Davis, Mission & Ministry Director. We hope this year’s Lasallian Heritage Days are a reminder of the transformative educational mission we are all invited to bring to life at Saint Mary’s.

April 22 (Getting an early start on Lasallian Heritage Days!)
SMC at SF Giants Night


Off Campus

Calling Gaels everywhere—this year's Saint Mary's Night at the San Francisco Giants is against the NY Mets. This year's special event ticket includes a co-branded Gaels/Giants beanie, perfect for foggy days from SF to Moraga. Limited tickets on sale now!

Hosted by Alumni Engagement and Events

A student smiles at the SF Giants baseball game

April 23

IALU Global Conversation on Lasallian Spirituality

6:00 am


Check back here for information on how to join this international online gathering.
Signum Fidei
Kick-off BBQ

11 am – 2 pm

SMC Chapel Lawn

Free to all

Join the campus community to share a meal as we kick off the 20th year of Lasallian Heritage Days. All are welcome and we look forward to celebrating with you! 
Image of SMC community BBQ on the Chapel Lawn with the Chapel in the background
Afternoon Reading and Conversation with R.O. Kwon

2:30 pm -3:30 pm

Hagerty Lounge

Open to all

Hosted by Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and School of Liberal Arts

Join SMC's Creative Writing Department in Hagerty Lounge for an afternoon reading and conversation with visiting writer R.O. Kwon, author of Exhibit, as she discusses her art, life, and writing process. 

R.O. Kwon headshot

Inclusion and Belonging: Neurodiversity in the Workforce and Classroom

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Claeys Lounge

Open to all

Hosted by Justice, Community, and Leadership Program and Student Disability Services

Join moderator Meghan Cosier, the  Executive Director, Thompson Policy Institute on Disability for a discussion about neurodiversity on our campus. Hear from neurodiverse individuals and experts as they share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

Red yellow green purple and pink infinity sign

April 25

Cultural Night ShowcaseSoda Center

Hosted by the Intercultural Center, this captivating evening of music, food, pre-show entertainment, and performances is dedicated to welcoming folks of all backgrounds to share their different forms of artistic expression with the Saint Mary’s community.

Festivities: 4:00pm-6:00pm, SODA Center Patio (food trucks, DJ, photo booth and vendors)

Showtime: 6:00pm-8:30pm

Black background with constellations and the image of two hands reaching for each other.

April 27

Día del Niño

11:00am - 3:00pm

Chapel Lawn

Join Ballet Folkloric Guadalupano & La Hermandad in celebrating El Día Del Niño

Performances, Great food, Vendors, Open Mic, Games and much more!

Signum Fidei
Initiation Sunday


SMC Chapel

Hosted by the Mission & Ministry Center, all are welcome and invited to witness and take part in the Celebration of the Sacraments for our beloved students and stay for a reception following the liturgy.
Initiation Sunday

April 28

Soup and Substance


Alemany Community

Hosted by Office of Mission and the Christian Brothers 

Soup and Substance, hosted by the Office of Mission and the Christian Brothers,  is an opportunity to discuss Lasallian tradition with faculty, students and staff and a Christian Brother "host" while sharing soup in the Brother's Community. 

Soup and Substance
How To Read a Graphic Novel


Claeys Lounge

Hosted by Seminar

Drawing from Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, and integrating a short comic-drawing exercise, a visual artist helps readers discover the craft and artistry of works like Maus and Persepolis.


How to Read a Graphic Novel flyer


April 29

Senior Reflection Night & Bubbly with the Brothers 


Location TBD

Graduating students are invited to this 4th annual event combining a Senior Reflection Night and a champagne reception. 
Bubbly & New Beginnings

April 30

Academic Convocation


SMC Chapel

Honoring our special guest Dr. Carol Swain, with special reception to follow at the Soda Center
Carole Swain
Night Sky, Ancient Ocean

3:20pm - 4:35pm

Claeys Lounge

Hosted by Seminar

In Ocean Vuong’s Night Sky with Exit Wounds, poems like “Telemachus” and “Trojan War” engage with Homeric narratives through the lens of personal and collective experiences. Timed to the 50th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, this workshop will open with a discussion of poems by Vuong, as we consider how this Vietnamese American writer expands the Great Conversation. We will then write our own poems to further explore Vuong’s creative strategies. 

Ocean Vuong flyer
Solidarity Supper


Chapel Courtyard

Hosted by the Mission & Ministry Center

Come enjoy a free home-cooked meal prepared by our Gael Pantry team and Engaged Learning students!

Image of people enjoying a meal together on a grassy space with a blue sky and the dates and times for Solidarity Supper during Spring Semester 2025
Kaleb Joseph Event


Soda Center

Hosted by Communications Department, Office of Mission, Cummins Institute, and Athletics

Kaleb Joseph, professional basketball player turned mental health advocate, speaks to students and student-athletes nationwide, about how to discover a sense of worth, identity and wholeness, and recover from setbacks.

Image of Kaleb Joseph, public speaker

May 1

Sport in Spirituality Panel


Hagerty Lounge

Join in an interactive panel discussion on the intersection of sport and spirituality with SMC coaches, student-athletes, faculty, and staff! Over coffee and cookies we will discuss the relationship between spirituality and sport. What can Lasallian Spirituality teach us about sport? How do we employ our athletics gifts in service to our communities? 
Flyer with the image of a swimmer and the text Sport & Spirituality announcing an event on Thursday, April 25 at 3pm in Hagerty Lounge

May 2

APASA Night Market


Chapel Lawn

Hosted by APASA


Black background with a quarter moon and the text APASA Night Market

May 4

De La Salle Christian Brothers Vow Renewal (tentative)

8pm during Student Community Liturgy

SMC Chapel

Hosted by the Mission & Ministry Center, with reception to follow
Image of the SMC Brothers renewing their Vows in the SMC Chapel

The Lasallian Heritage Days Planning Committee

Rianna Aquino, Mission & Ministry Center Student Leader

Yamna Cordova, Mission & Ministry Center Student Leader

Alex Perez, Mission & Ministry Center Student Leader

Isaac Serrano Torres, Mission & Ministry Center Student Leader

Carrie Davis, Mission & Ministry Center Staff

Colleen O'Healy da Silva, Mission & Ministry Center Staff

Frances Sweeney, Office of Mission